Our Logo
Our logo was designed specifically for us by Michael Moke. These important aspects of Our Turangawaewae have been incorporated within the design...
Situated in Te Ika a Maui (North Island of New Zealand), Mangere and its surrounding area has been occupied and cultivated since at least the 12th century, as told in the oral history of the local iwi (Te Wai o Hua), and supported by archaeological investigations and radiocarbon data estimates. Te Wai o Hua (the descendants of Nga Oho people) have one of the oldest genealogy in Auckland. The local Maori are descendants to Hape who came here prior to the arrival of the Tainui waka.
Hape was a great chief, revered to this day as one of the founders of the Tainui Iwi, and he was probably one of their early Tohunga or Priests. Some of the stories suggest he was a seer or mystic with magical powers, possibly even a demi-god. Hape had a disability - his name literally means 'club foot' although it can also mean 'rejected' or 'left behind'.
Following the discovery of Aotearoa, plans were made in the ancestral homeland of Hawaiki to settle the new land. When the Tainui waka was about to set sail, only people in the best physical condition were selected. Due to his clubbed foot, Hape was not one of those selected, and he was left behind in Hawaiki. The voyage of the waka to Aotearoa was long and arduous, most of those on board forgot about Hape. As the people disembarked on the shores of the Waitemata Harbour they could see a man standing on a distant hill. It was Hape, he had used his powers to summon a giant stingray to transport him; he had arrived in Aotearoa weeks earlier. He stood on the ridge and called out a karanga to those on the beach. To this day, the stingray, or Kaiwhare, is the guardian of the Manukau Harbour.​

A Kaitiaki is a guardian. As mentioned above, the stingray (Kaiwhare) is the guardian of the Manukau Harbour. Birds were the original Tangata Whenua of Aotearoa, and the hawk has featured prominently in the oral traditions of Tainui. Kahu Pokere (black harrier hawk) is another kaitiaki of this area. The hawk in flight conveys strength and purpose, and is viewed as a powerful guardian of the land. Mangere sports teams have used the hawk for their logo (e.g. Mangere East Hawks League / Mangere Hawks Netball). Our previous logo featured a hawk.
Due to the close proximity of the airport, schools in the local area mostly have names associated with aviation. Our school was named after Air Chief Marshall, Sir Keith Park, an extraordinary New Zealander – an unsung hero - in recognition of his charitable work. Sir Keith Park was also influential in the Auckland Airports being sited in Mangere. Read more about this special man ...
Our People
At the heart of our school are our people. Mangere, with its strong historical and family associations, has morphed into a home for a diverse range of people from different cultures. Reflective of our wider community, Sir Keith Park School's learners identify with the Pacific Peoples ethnic group (Samoan, Tongan, Cook Island, Niuean, Tokelaun, Fijian, Tuvaluan); NZ Maori; NZ European, and Asian.
Like Hape, our kaitiaki and Sir Keith Park, our learners journey forward drawing on their resilience, perseverance, and determination.