Social Workers in Schools
About S.W.I.S:
S.W.i.S. is a FREE and confidential service that is based in schools during normal school operating hours and is also available during school holidays. S.W.i.S. is part of the Ministry of Social Development’s Strengthening Families initiative.
Social Workers in Schools are qualified social work practitioners who are experienced in working with children, young people and their families to help find solutions to issues that impact on their education, well-being and rights as children and young people.
Social Workers in Schools can...
Work with individuals and also with their families or extended family
Work with teachers, public health nurses and other school staff
Assist with housing/benefits and access to community support and networks
Offer parenting support
Discuss legal advice
Support referrals to community-based services such as counsellors
Provide group programmes to support students at school
Offer advocacy support to young people and families
Social workers can help – in strict confidence – with issues including bullying, peer pressure and relationships, family relationships, pregnancy, domestic violence, drug and alcohol issues and mental health issues such as depression, grief and self-harm.
Sir Keith Park School SWIS is:
New SWIS : Gordon De Souza
Contact: gordonde.souza@skp.school.nz
Phone : 021417321